ocr: PowerBook540 LC575 33MHZ '040 without FPU 33MHZ '040 without FPU 2MB RAM 8MB RAM 240MB hard drive 160MB hard drive 64-shade grey active matrix display Integrated 4" Trinitron display LC processor direct slot LCP PDS & Comm Slot 19.2 Global Village modem 8-bit stereo sound and speakers 6-bit stereo sound and speakers System Price: $2105.00 Two batteries System price: $5375.00 ADD: Regular Keyboard - $150.00 Total system price: $5375.00 LC575 thernet board - $130.00 8MB RAM SIMM (for a 12MB total) - $445.00 Pros: Global Village 19.2 Mercury Modem - $490.00 ortability! Net cost to trade 60HD for ...